Rosary & funeral Mass for Teresa ‘Tess’ Schoen (July 7, 2022)

Rosary & funeral Mass for Teresa ‘Tess’ Schoen
Thursday, July 7, 2022

This Thursday (July 7, 2022), we will offer a rosary (10:30 am) and celebrate a funeral Mass (11:00 am) for Tess Schoen – all are welcome. A reception will be held in Sullivan Hall following the Mass. Tess’ family has prepared an obituary, which can be read online here:

Let us pray together for Tess, her siblings, and all who love them. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

January Finance Council minutes (2022-01-06)

Saint Mark finance council is pleased to share the minutes of the January meeting of our finance council. The finance council meets quarterly.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

2022 01 06 Finance Council Meeting Minutes

(For previous minutes, please visit the finance council minutes archives)

April Pastoral Council minutes (2022-04-21)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the April meeting of our pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

2022 04 21 Pastoral Council Minutes

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)

March Pastoral Council minutes (2022-03-17)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the March meeting of our pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

2022 03 17 Pastoral Council Minutes

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)

February Pastoral Council minutes (2022-02-17)

Saint Mark pastoral council is pleased to share the minutes of the February meeting of our pastoral council. The pastoral council meets on the third Thursday of each month.

Generally speaking, minutes will be available within five weeks of the preceding meeting – this allows the council to review the minutes, approve them with any changes, and the secretary to edit them accordingly before they are published online.

2022 02 17 Pastoral Council Minutes

(For previous minutes, please visit the pastoral council minutes archives)